The problems involved in accurately imaging the lower uterine segment transabdominally, together with the fact that the type of placenta previa is dependent on the gestational age at the time of the ultrasound, result in a false positive diagnosis of placenta previa in two to six percent of patients scanned in the third trimester (1).
A false positive diagnosis may lead to hospitalization and patient anxiety, whereas a false negative result may result in catastrophic bleeding from vaginal examination (2).
The prevalence of second trimester placenta previa on transabdominal scans during the second trimester = 1.9-6.2% (3,4).
This figure increases to 9.1% -45% if low lying placentas are included
(3,5). The prevalence of placenta that extend over the internal os at
transvaginal scanning between 12-16 weeks gestation is 4.5% (6).